We would love for you to be part of sealing our love story among friends and family; surrounded by three majestic volcanoes and a lake in Guatemala.
Nos encantaría que forme parte al sellar nuestra historia de amor frente al Lago de Atitlan.
Yuliana & Matthew
Saturday, February 1, 2025 • Panajachel, Guatemala
We would love for you to be part of sealing our love story among friends and family; surrounded by three majestic volcanoes and a lake in Guatemala.
Nos encantaría que forme parte al sellar nuestra historia de amor frente al Lago de Atitlan.
Yuliana & Matthew
Saturday, February 1, 2025 • Panajachel, Guatemala
Itinerary US people only
January 30, 2025
We will be arriving in Guatemala on January 30th at 12:30pm. Guests are welcome to arrive on Thursday or Friday, however, if you choose to arrive on Thursday we recommend going to Antigua the first day.
January 30, 2025
After arriving to Guatemala City we are immediately taking a shuttle to Antigua where we will be staying the evening in an Airbnb near the City Center.
January 30, 2025
Dinner at "La Casa de los Urquizu" for Matthew's favorite place, where you can choose different types of sopas! Feel free to explore Antigua in during your own time while in this historic city!
January 31, 2025
We will be enjoying brunch at Tenedor del Cerro, a location at the top of a small mountain! Following brunch, we expect to take a shuttle from Antigua to Panajorchel at around 12:30pm. The travel time is 2 hours.
January 31, 2025
Time to check into the hotel! We will conveniently have our ceremony and reception at this location! If you wish to book a room here, please reach out to us and we will have our wedding planner email you. Do not book through the website as you will not receive the discounted rate associated with our party.
January 31, 2025
Time for a Meet and Greet! At 6pm we will all meet here to enjoy food and drinks! It's also conveniently located on Santander Street, where many fun bars and clubs are located for those who wish to extend the meet and greet longer. Yuliana insists on getting married to a person who is not hungover, so we will head back to the hotel around 9-10:00 pm!
Santander Edificio Rincon Sai 2do Nivel, Panajachel 07010 Guatemala
February 01, 2025
Wedding Day! We'll be waking up early, hopefully you get out of bed at all after an evening on Santander Street!
Solo Invitados a este evento.
February 02, 2025
Meet us for lunch (Only invitees for After Party), at Marea Pana while waiting for our party boat. Cash bar
Solo Invitados a este evento.
February 02, 2025
We will be indulging ourselves with coffee that morning in Cafe Loco, hopefully with a bear on top.
There is also Cafe Moka at the entrance of Calle Santander. Good options to chill and relax to get ready to our boat party.
February 02, 2025
After Party Only,
Matthew favorite thing, we will be having lunch tacos from the best tacos in the country, coming from Coatepeque we will have a whole pig before jumping on our boat party while watching the sunset.
We will be arriving to Guatemala on Thursday January 30th. at 12:30 pm. Flying with Delta.
Take a shuttle to Antigua Guatemala (1 hour) in where we will be waiting for our US people to arrive, we have booked an Airbnb near the Central Park.
After breakfast in Antigua (all together) on January 31st. we will be going to Panajachel (where the wedding is). We will stay in Hotel Jardines del Lago from Jan 31st-Feb 2nd(where the wedding is, look for recepcion@hoteljardinesdellago.com in your e-mail, we got SPECIAL rates) then move to a home with my family.
TWO OPTIONS: 1. Get an Airbnb alone or with your group (check for places on the QA section, message the people to get exact location to be near the 3 principal streets), homes are cute and affordable.
2. Stay in the hotel where our wedding will be, they provide breakfast buffet as well as a special rate.
SUNDAY FEB. 2nd Boat party + lunch (famous whole pig tacos), come join us during lunch eat the best tacos from another region and try some of our town special dishes. After that we can walk around the town and enjoy drinks and more food.
MONDAY FEB. 3rd We are planning to take a coffee tour across the lake, visiting a very colorful town and hike to the viewer when you can see the whole lake. Then stop by the neighbor town and relax by the pool in Sababa.
Also there are jet skies in the hotel to rent, kayaks and boat rides near by.
NOTE: You do not have to stay the whole time, but these are some activities we will be doing in case you want to stay longer.