We would love for you to be part of sealing our love story among friends and family; surrounded by three majestic volcanoes and a lake in Guatemala. Nos encantaría que forme parte al sellar nuestra historia de amor frente al Lago de Atitlan.

Yuliana & Matthew

Saturday, February 1, 2025 • Panajachel, Guatemala

We would love for you to be part of sealing our love story among friends and family; surrounded by three majestic volcanoes and a lake in Guatemala. Nos encantaría que forme parte al sellar nuestra historia de amor frente al Lago de Atitlan.

Yuliana & Matthew

Saturday, February 1, 2025 • Panajachel, Guatemala

Wedding Party

The Wedding Party/Corte Nupcial

I am lucky enough to be surrounded by AMAZING people that I have met in my lifetime. Each person has taught me something valuable in life, and I wish I could named all of them but Matthew said I cannot have much people in the wedding party.

I made a list of friends that I look for help or inspiration when I do not have any, and have a mix of cultures in both countries to be by my side on this day.

Tengo la suerte y bendicion de estar rodeada de personas INCREÍBLES que he conocido a lo largo de mi vida. Cada persona ha enseñado algo valioso en la vida y desearía poder nombrarlos a todos, pero Matthew dijo que no puedo tener mucha gente a mi lado durante la boda.

Esta es la lista de amigas en donde busco ayuda o inspiración cuando me falta, y es una mezcla de culturas entre ambos países que he escogido para estar a mi lado en este día.

Forever Thankful

Shirly Albisu
Shirly Albisu - Something Blue / Mi algo Azul
My anchor at home, this wedding prep has strengthen our sisterhood. Nuestros lazos se han fortalecido con todo este merengue, gracias Shisha por ayudarme un monton, te quiero
Sarah McNeil
Sarah McNeil - Something Borrow / Algo Prestado
Something borrow from Carol, you are my sister from another mother. Thank you for planning my Bachelorette party, I will never forget that. For getting a passport, for booking a ticket before anyone else did, I love you! Looking forward to spend more holidays together


Patricia de Leon
Patricia de Leon - Confidence / Confianza
Our friends are an array of very interesting people, many of them live in other countries and I think that is why our friendship is powerful. We enjoy our get together in Pana with Gabo and Nancy, laid on the beach and just talk about life or some non meaningful stuff.
Melissa Sosa
Melissa Sosa - Courage / Coraje
Melba, is one of my very first foreign friends. She was part of our "Emo" group, we shared many adventures together, discovered new places, new people and make other good friends from college. I loved her Belize accent and stories
Carmen SantaCruz
Carmen SantaCruz - Loyalty / Lealtad
Carmela, our friendship was born during college while studying architecture. Carmela is a lady of a few words but somehow we manage to be really good friends, during the weekends I was going back home from the city she would come with me. Te quiero mucho Carmela!
Angie Mabuza
Angie Mabuza - Support / Soporte
I meet Angie because our babies became friends in Kindergarten. She was my supportive friend while changing careers, my sister from another mother in Zimbabwe
Chanda Sem
Chanda Sem - Strength / Fuerza
Chanda was my first good friend when I moved to Denver CO. We meet at school while learning English, we used to go eat after school in a Mongolian buffet (she would eat 4 + plates LOL).
Nadia Chase
Nadia Chase - Kindness / Amabilidad
Nadia has been in every time in my life since I moved to Michigan, and is an important piece in my life. One of the few Jackson friends.


Joseph Karaszewski
Joseph Karaszewski - Best man
Mi hermano
Sheila Karaszewski
Sheila Karaszewski - Grooms woman
Mi hermana
Adam Owen
Adam Owen - Groomsman
Mi amigo
Jimmy Sharrard
Jimmy Sharrard - Groomsman
Mi amigo
Brad Kitson
Brad Kitson - Mi amigo